High-quality equipment for your electronics production - INNOVATION AND RELIABILITY FROM GERMANY SINCE 2003
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The SASinno selective soldering system is designed for lean manufacturing combined with flexibility and throughput at minimal cost. The Ant-i1 is an automated single station soldering system with a manual loading and unloading system that can accommodate boards up to 350 x 260 mm (optional 600mm x 350 mm). The machine requires only 1.3 m² of floor space. The soldering system is equipped with a preheated nitrogen atmosphere which ensures better soldering results and helps to reduce oxidation. The Ant-i1 is serially equipped with a drop-jet fluxer for clean soldering results and very low flux consumption. The machine can also be supplied with a pyrometer-controlled, large top heater. All process parameters can be stored in the machine and are always available.